Ginette Mohr
Producer / Writer / Performer
Ginette is an award-winning director, performer, playwright and arts educator. She seeks to fire up imaginations and cultivate new work through playful explorations of performance and design.
For over 20 years, she has created theatre with companies that include The Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Neptune Theatre, Young People’s Theatre, SNAFU, The Quickening Theatre, Theatre New Brunswick, Drayton Entertainment, Theatre Aquarius, Keystone Theatre, and The Second City. With Catch Me in the Kitchen, she has written and published books for young people and performed at events such as Word on the Street, Tarragon Theatre's Sally Stavro Family Series, and The Toronto International Storytelling Festival.
She has taught theatre, dance and improvisation at schools that include York University, The Second City, Theatre Direct, Young People's Theatre and The Living Arts Centre. She holds a B.F.A. in Theatre from Simon Fraser University and an M.F.A. in Theatre from York University.
You can catch her in the kitchen reaching for chocolate at the back of the cupboard.