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Creative Team

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The creation of Catch Me in the Kitchen was fueled by conversations,
home-cooked meals and laughter.


We aim to create audio episodes and live shows that stimulate the imagination, foster connection, and encourage family participation at mealtimes.

Bon Appétit!

Ginette Mohr

Ginette Mohr

Producer / Writer / Performer

Ginette is an award-winning director, performer, playwright and arts educator. She seeks to fire up imaginations and cultivate...

Liz Pounsett

Liz Pounsett

Director / Dramaturg

Liz is a director, actor, theatre-maker, and arts educator and administrator. Liz is excited to be working with Historica Canada...

Tim Freeman

Tim Freeman

Musical Director - The Pickle Peppers

Tim is a singer/songwriter, player of guitar, bass, keys, and other assorted instruments. He released his first solo album Kilombo during the pandemic...

Stephen LaFrenie

Stephen LaFrenie

Co-producer / Writer / Performer

Stephen has performed, written/created, and taught physical theatre for over 40 years. He has toured across Canada, to Spain...

Professor Pineapple

Professor Pineapple

Audio Adventures & Audio Snacks Host & Dramaturg

Prof. P. (Adel) is a talented preteen who takes an interest in visual arts, musical theatre, and writing...

Barry Walsh

Barry Walsh

Musician - The Pickle Peppers

Barry is editor of international non-fiction film and TV trade publication Realscreen. He is also a musician and songwriter, having toured...

Chantale Groulx

Chantale Groulx

Performer / Storyteller

Chantale Groulx is a French and English actor in Toronto from Montreal. Twelve years of heading a children’s theatre company...

Shawna Reiter

Shawna Reiter

Audio Adventures Illustrator

Shawna is a theatre artist, arts educator, and mother. Her passion for meaningful storytelling has inspired original theatre productions...

Jason Hogan

Jason Hogan

Musician - The Pickle Peppers

Jason composes music for film and television and has been playing folk-rock at festivals and pubs for the past 25 years in Canada, Europe...


Special thanks to Rachel Boulton, Elizabeth Witzke, Jonathan J Davis, and the kids in our lives who inspire us every day with their creativity.

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